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What is the use of precision machining in electronic products?

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What is the use of precision machining in electronic products?

Date of release:2019-05-05 Author: Click:


Electronic products are products based on electrical energy, including smartphones, electronic watches, computers, video recorders, etc.. These products are used by almost everyone in daily life, and mobile phones and computers are almost indispensable.. But do you know what the use of precision machining is in electronics, given that most of the structural parts of these products that are inseparable from you are made from precision machining?

First, we know very well that when we buy an iPhone that's crazy inside, or Chengxuyuan's long-sought-after Mac computer, we will install some coats for it, because if the naked machine hits the ground, it can easily cause the device's shell to scratch. And it affects beauty. The shell of the device, which we carefully protect, comes from precision machining. Since the 6th generation, the iPhone has used the so-called aviation aluminum magnesium alloy shell, and most of the mainstream mobile phones now use aluminum magnesium alloys. The advantages are light, good heat dissipation and high strength. However, due to its complex processing, it needs to undergo precision machining to achieve very high accuracy. To a certain extent, it is seamlessly combined with mobile phones to prevent waterproofing and dust, so the price is high.

Of course, it is not just the case of the phone that uses this technology, including many metal structures inside the phone. In order to ensure the compatibility of the machine with the parts and the stability of the performance of the equipment during operation, the parts need to have a high degree of accuracy. Therefore, such parts that do not have standards fall into the production of major processing plants in China.

The address of this article:http://www.dgcskj.cn/en/news/420.html

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